BVP AP-East State Workshop held at Kakinada on 5th June 2011. Sri. N.C.Kanungo (National Secretary) has attended as chief guest. Smt.Pilla Nirmala (State President BVP AP East), Sri.V.S.N.Murthy (State General Secretary), Sri.K.V.Ramarao (Zonal Chairman), Sri.D.Satyanarayana (Zonal General secretary), Sri.R.C.Jain (Zonal Organizing secretary), Sri.K.V.Ramana Murthy (State Organizing secretary), Sri.Prabhakar (Kakinada branch), Sri.S.Krishnamurthy (State Treasurer), Sr.P.V.S.Krishna rao (State Vice President), Sri.B.Srirama murthy (State Joint Secretary), Sri.Patnala Bhaskara rao (State convener of Bharat ko jano), Sri.Roop Chand Jain (State joint Secretary), Sr.M.Jagadeesh Prasad (State convenor of Personality Development) and Sri.S.Gopala rao (State Advisory Board member) has participated and delivered lectures on Bharat Vikas Parishad's philosophy and Aims & objectives Seva and Samskar Projects, House keeping, Vikas Samarpith, Village adaption, etc. topics has covered by above mentioned speakers.
All the branches of AP East office bearers of the branches and state executive members were attended in this work shop.
Sri.Ravi sankar patnayak (President of Kakinada branch said opening remarks. A Quiz on Bharat Vikas Parishad has organized for members and given prizes. Sri.Vankayala Sanyasi rao (Thathaji) President of Visakhapatnam branch was honored for as he was nominated as the chairman of Supervision committee for Government welfare schemes of Visakhapatnam District.
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